This time we are here with a couple of new plugins as well as a usual bunch of fixes and improvements in already existing modules.

One of the two new plugins is Monocle Seen, DjVu backend plugin for our document reader. For now it’s quite basic and only supports, well, rendering the documents. Support for TOCs and similar stuff will come later.

Then there is Launchy, a new plugin for launching applications and open LeechCraft tabs. It is UNIX-only and fetches the list of applications from the desktop files. For now it only supports visual fullscreen launcher, some say it resembles Unity a bit:

Another improvement worth noting separately is that Azoth Autopaste module has been upgraded a lot, so now it supports choosing syntax highlighting of the text that’s pasted to pastebins, and the pastebin service itself can be chosen. Though, for now only is available.

The LMP audioplayer paired with LastFMScrobble is now able to fetch personalized recommended events. Of course, this is location-aware, so only events near you will be shown. It’s quite easy to add support for other such social events aggregators, if any.

And finally we synced our QXmpp fork with the upstream, pushing all the required patches! So now the following should be used to checkout sources:

git clone

Among other changes: